
Michael Lim

LALL #045: How My Personal Brand Made Me Over Six Figures (And Why You Should Start One Today).

Published 2 months ago • 8 min read

🚀 Living A Limitless Life Newsletter

Hey friend 👋,

Welcome to Living a Limitless Life!

I help 9-5 workers start a profitable one-person business in 30 days without quitting their jobs so that they can make more money and impact 🚀

If you haven't subscribed, join 2,916 other brilliant people curious about Living A Limitless Life.

You'll improve your life & biz in 10 minutes by:

  • The Three Best 1% Business & Self-Improvement Tips I've Found This Week:
    • You can't be exceptional by making average decisions every day.
    • Consistency > talent.
    • Sell before you're ready.
  • A 4-Minute Read That Could Change Your Life.
    • How My Personal Brand Made Me Over Six Figures (And Why You Should Start One Today).
  • Michael's Weekly Book Club
    • The 100 Trillion Dollar Wealth Transfer: How The Handover From Boomers to Gen Z Will Revolutionize Capitalism - Ken Costa

Today's Sponsor is... ME!

Here's FREE access to my mini-course — Building Your Six-Figure Magnetic Personal Brand To Start A One-Person Business 🔥

P.S - this course will go behind a paywall after March 2024. Get FREE lifetime access now.

The question I am asking myself this week

Who do you look up to who's secretly miserable?

This week's quote that made me think 💬

"Who knows you is more important than who you know. Build a brand."

The Three Best 1% Business & Self-Improvement Tips I've Found This Week:

  • You can't be exceptional by making average decisions every day. It amazes me that people think they can be exceptional by being average. By definition, to be exceptional you have to do things most people won't do. Wake up earlier. Work harder. Try for longer. Action: To escape the average, you need to make 'unaverage' decisions.

  • Consistency > talent. I'm not a talented writer. I'm not talented in anything I've chosen to do. But I am very consistent. I'll delude myself into showing up every day even when every indicator is telling me I'm not very good. Even with no talent, I've turned my writing into a profitable and rewarding business. Action: Aside from a few domains, you can become world-class in almost anything you practice every day.

  • Sell before you're ready. I sold 2 Skool community memberships before I even had a Skool community account. I focused on adding value to customers and closing them before I even had a real product to sell. I ignored all the bells and whistles and just focused on solving problems. Action: Sell something before you have it. And then work like hell to deliver on your promise.

A 4-Minute Read That Could Change Your Life.

Read on:

Read time: 4 minutes

How My Personal Brand Made Me Over Six Figures (And Why You Should Start One Today).

My personal brand has made me over six figures.

I’ve been able to:

  • Start multiple businesses and sell one.
  • Attract international speaking opportunities.
  • Build a network of high-value business owners.

Here’s why you need to build a personal brand today.

My personal brand creates a natural monopoly.

No one can compete with me being me.

My unique interests, experiences, and knowledge create a category only I can own. I combine all my obsessions, curiosities, and passions into my content. I don’t ‘niche down’, I create my niche.

Here are some of the best personal brands right now:

  • Alex Hormozi = Business and fitness.
  • Cody Sanchez = Buying a boring business.
  • Andrew Huberman = Evidence-based health advice.

Don’t try to compete.

As Peter Thiel says, ‘competition is for losers’.

If you’re competing, you’re not being authentic enough.

People buy from people

There are a million people who talk about business online.

Yet somehow people buy my products, download my e-books and read my Medium articles about business. I get emailed about business advice all the time.


  • I haven’t made a million dollars or drive a green Lambo.
  • I don’t have the ‘qualifications’ for business
  • I didn’t ask for ‘permission’ to start.

What do I have?

  • Real-world experience of building and selling a business.
  • Awards, achievements and accolades.

You don’t need to be the best in your field.

You just need to be 2–3 steps ahead of people behind you.

That’s why I share my journey online. I documented everything online and was honest and vulnerable about my experiences. The good, the bad and the ugly.

People resonated with my journey.

They could see themselves in the mistakes I made, the imposter syndrome I felt, and the challenges I’ve had to overcome.

They buy from me not because I’m the best, but because I’m relevant.

Relevance > perfection.

Your personal brand builds distribution

Imagine having a group of people cheering you on.

No matter what you do, say, or sell, they love it. They support everything you do. They buy from you. They share your content. They tell other people about your work. They become your diehard supporters.

That’s what your personal brand does.

Your personal brand is building your distribution channels. You have a warm audience of people who know who you are and vibe with what you’re doing.

This is why I’ll never make less than six figures a year ever again.

My personal brand, networks, and skillset are too valuable. I’m not being over-confident, I’ve got evidence. It’s a nice feeling knowing that if I ever lost my 9–5 job, I could make six figures again within a couple of months or less.

Once you have distribution, you can build whatever you want.

You become a magnet for opportunities.

I’ve had doors opened for me that I didn’t even know existed.

I’ve been invited to speak at international events in Amsterdam and Nepal. Won lucrative and long-term ghostwriting clients. Won awards. I’ve been invited to join boards and committees.

All because I had a strong personal brand.

Your personal brand builds leverage for you 24/7, 365 days per year. My LinkedIn, Instagram, Medium, and personal website help me build trust and intimacy at a scale I could never achieve in person.

Across all platforms, I get around 40,000 impressions per month.

There is no way I could ever reach 40,000 people in real-time every month. My parents would have to be on the radio or TV to reach that many people.

I don’t want to go viral either.

I want to slowly and sustainably grow my personal brand over time. This leaves me room to grow and not burn out.

The biggest risk to your personal brand is you.

You are an asset.

So if you burn out and stop creating, your personal brand suffers.

“Who knows you is more important than who you know. Build a brand.”

Don’t chase, attract.

You can combine everything that makes you weird

As a kid, I loved to read and write.

I would write about fantasy stories I read about. I would create elaborate plots and meandering storylines. I would use people in my life as inspiration for the characters.

People thought I was weird. Hell, I thought I was weird.

I could spend the whole day with my nose in a book or writing about what I had just read about. Hours and hours would fly by.

But everything that made me weird as a child was making me money as an adult.

I’ve combined all my childhood obsessions and interests into creating a 9–5 job that I love (and own equity in), and a one-person business that helps other writers build personal brands, an audience, and a one-person business.

Embrace your inner child, and get paid as an adult.

Your personal brand will change your life.

Here’s why:

  • You build a natural monopoly.
  • You attract your ideal customer avatar.
  • You own your distribution networks to sell.
  • You attract opportunities you didn’t know existed.
  • You have the freedom to combine all your weird obsessions.

You are six months of work away from building your dream life.

Get started today.

Michael's Weekly Book Club 📚

My Book of the Week was...

This is book #10 of the year.

The 100 Trillion Dollar Wealth Transfer: How The Handover From Boomers to Gen Z Will Revolutionize Capitalism - Ken Costa

We are in the middle of the greatest intergenerational wealth transfer.

I've been fascinated by this concept for a long time. It's hard not to be. Trillions of dollars are about to transfer hands through assets, superannuation, and real estate (plus much more). This has huge implications for society.

There has never been a bigger gap in values from Boomers to Zoomers.

Here are some of the takeaways.

Rating: 6.5/10

You should read this if you're.... interested in economics, politics, and society.

Key ideas:

👉 Learning 1: Over the next 10-15 years, there will be unprecedented wealth transfer between generations - Trillions of dollars will change hands from Boomers to their Millennial or Zoomer children. This is the greatest wealth transfer in living history. The consequences are significant for the economy and society.

👉 Learning 2: This is the biggest values gap between generations - While money will change hands, so will the values of the new generation. The book outlines that there has never been a bigger gap in values between generations in history. What previous generations valued, are not valued by younger people. The very notion of capitalism is under threat.

👉 Learning 3: The change of wealth will lead to a change in the economy - New money, new values, new economy? Our economic system is a reflection of our values. It's always changing. There's no such thing as a static economy. A new generation with different values will change how our economic system operates.

Best quotes by Ken Costa

💬 "In the US alone, $84 trillion of assets will transfer from older generations - predominantly baby boomers, all of whom will be at least 65 by 2030 to their children in the Millennial and Zoomer generations. This is the largest flow of generational capital ever seen in the history of humanity."

💬 "The Zennial generation has experienced two 'once-in-a-lifetime' events in less than two decades. If you found yourself as an early-twenties Gen Z graduate, you will have experienced one of the worst job markets in a generation."

💬 "One in three employees over the age of 40 requested support for simple technology queries at least once a week, with junior employees reporting that lack of tech skills in senior staff consistently disrupts their workflow and slows productivity."

How to apply these ideas:

💡 Leverage the opportunity - We are about to see a lot of money come into a new generation. Where there is change and uncertainty, there is business opportunity. You just have to see it as a business opportunity. Rather than wait around, I'm positioning myself to exploit this opportunity.

💡 Learn from those before you - I'm a big believer that you can learn something from anyone. Especially from people you don't like or agree with. While I have my disagreements with the older generations, I still take what I can from them. If we don't learn from the lessons of the past, we are destined to repeat them.

💡 Collaboration is key - No single generation can solve all the problems in the world. Boomers, Millennials, and Zoomers need to work together. Blaming each other won't achieve anything. You can either be right or productive. It's hard to be both.

You can buy the book HERE (No, this isn't an affiliate link...yet).

Writing Tip Of The Week:

My content ecosystem:

  1. Write 3 Medium articles per week
  2. The highest performing one is repurposed into a weekly newsletter.
  3. The weekly newsletter is divided into 4 Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn posts.

1 hour of writing every day powers my entire one-person business.

You work hard to make content.

Just make sure your content is working just as hard.

What can I help you with?

Viral Headline Notion Swipe File

Unlock the Power of Viral Headlines: The 42 Article Headlines That Made Me Over $16,048 (USD) and 459,000+ Views on Medium.

Mini-Course To Build Your Personal Brand

My mini-course is designed for individuals like you who understand the importance of a personal brand but are unsure where to start.

I'll see you next week!

Michael ✌️

P.S - You can also find me here:

113 Cherry St, Seattle, WA 92768
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Michael Lim

I help 9-5 workers start a profitable one-person (online) business in 30 days without quitting their jobs, so they can have more freedom, money and impact.

🏆 x 4 Award-Winning Social Entrepreneur. Sold my first one-person business at 28.

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