
Michael Lim

LALL #042: How Making A $100 Per Day Through Your One-Person Business Can Change Your Life.

Published 3 months ago • 8 min read


🚀 Living A Limitless Life Newsletter

Hey friend đź‘‹,

Welcome to Living a Limitless Life!

I help 9-5 workers start a profitable one-person business in 30 days without quitting their jobs so that they can make more money and impact 🚀

Welcome to the 43 new legends who have joined the LALL newsletter since the last edition.

If you haven't subscribed, join 2,737 other brilliant people curious about Living A Limitless Life.

You'll improve your life & biz in 10 minutes by:

  • The Three Best 1% Business & Self-Improvement Tips I've Found This Week:
    • Embrace your inner child
    • The Paradox of Growth
    • A personal brand is the best thing you can build
  • A 4-Minute Read That Could Change Your Life.
    • How Making A $100 Per Day Through Your One-Person Business Can Change Your Life.
  • Michael's Weekly Book Club
    • Dotcom Secrets: The Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online With Sales Funnels - Russell Brunson

Today's Sponsor is... ME!

Here's a FREE copy of my short Workbook — The Hidden Secrets To Building A Five-Figure One-Person Business Alongside Your 9-5 Job 🔥

The question I am asking myself this weekâť“

What is one of the biggest challenges I've had to overcome to be where you are now?

Can you help someone else overcome those same challenges?

This week's quote that made me think đź’¬

"Don't aim to be the best, be the only."
- Kevin Kelly

The Three Best 1% Business & Self-Improvement Tips I've Found This Week:

  • Embrace your inner child - It'll make you money. How? Everything that made me weird as a child has made me money as an adult. Growing up, I loved writing, books, and creating. I never knew where it came from, but I've now built multiple businesses on these childhood obsessions. Action: Completely embrace your childhood weirdness.


  • The paradox of growth - learning sucks. As much as I love learning, it's not always a pleasant feeling. I'm going through a growth phase in my business and it feels like I've regressed, even though I haven't. But here's the paradox. If you feel like you know everything, you're probably stagnant. Grow should make you feel uncomfortable. Action: Lean into the growing pains, even if they hurt a lot.


  • A personal brand is the best thing you can build - Personal brand = Distribution. My personal brand has opened doors for me that I didn't even know existed. It's been a magnet for international speaking events, attracting clients and ultimately building my portfolio of businesses. Action: Build a personal brand, and then build whatever you want.

A 4-Minute Read That Could Change Your Life.

Read on:​

Read time: 4 minutes

How Making A $100 Per Day Through Your One-Person Business Can Change Your Life.

You don’t need a million dollars to change your life.

Hell, you don’t even need $100,000 or even $10,000. Ever since writing online and selling digital products, making an extra $100+ per day has been game-changing.

The best part?

Making an extra $100 a day is within reach for everyone.

You can repackage a skill or experience you learned in your 9–5 job and sell it to someone else. You’re already selling something to one customer: your employer.

Here’s how I did it (steal what works).

Don’t even try to make a million dollars.

My life changed the day I made $1 online.

It was April 2020, I had just gone through a breakup and wanted to challenge myself. I started taking writing on Medium seriously and signed up for the partner program. I made a total of $1.42 LOL.

This isn’t life-changing money. It wasn’t even useful money.

But I wasn’t optimizing for money. Making $1.42 through my writing did more for me than a 4-year business degree. Why? Because I became obsessed.

I thought to myself: if I could make $1, how can I make $100?

And if I could make $100, what’s stopping me from making $1,000 or even $10,000? What about $100,000? My mind started to race. I finally understood the opportunity in front of me.

So lower your expectations.

Don’t even try to make a million dollars. It’s way too overwhelming. Thinking too big stops you from starting. Make your goal so small it seems too easy. Start with $1.

Make your first $1 online. Watch your brain rewire.

You don’t need to quit your 9–5 job to start making money online

I built a one-person business while I had a 9–5 job.

While most of my colleagues binge-watched Netflix series, I wrote in the morning before work. I read books and YouTube videos in the evening after work.

I reinvested any spare time and energy into money-making skills.

I got efficient with my job, I would often work half days and use the rest of my time on my own business. I still brought in the most amount of work and clients were happy.

So win-win-win for everyone.

My point? Don’t quit your job. Leverage it. Use the financial stability it provides to experiment and test your one-person business idea.

The only trade-off? You might have to work hard (surprise, surprise).

If you’re not willing to work in the early morning, afternoons, or weekends, I can’t help you.

Hard work is the prerequisite to making this all work.

There are only two barriers to making money online…

  1. Your skillset.
  2. Your beliefs.

That’s it. The breakdown is:

80% beliefs. 20% skillset.

Your mindset will be your biggest barrier to success. Does talent matter? Of course. But most people give up long before talent ever starts to become a factor.

Your attitude toward life determines your altitude.

I know many talented, smart, and hardworking people who are trapped by their limiting beliefs.

Invest in therapy before investing in online courses.

You become fearless with multiple sources of income

I never fear losing income.

Sure, it would suck big time.

But It wouldn’t be existential. Only a minor inconvenience while I look to replace that income. It’s a great position to be in.

I currently have 4 diverse sources of income:

  • 9–5 job + equity (multiple six-figures + dividends)
  • One-person business ($4.5k per month)
  • Writing income ($1.5 — $2k per month)
  • Digital Products ($50-$100 per month)
  • My investments (rental, stocks, etc)

None of these sources of income are correlated. So if one goes down, it’s unlikely to impact the others. I’ve also got a year’s worth of expenses in cash stored in the bank.

I feel financially stable. Freedom comes next.

I’ve had colleagues and friends who would struggle if they didn’t get paid on time. They live so close to paying cheque to pay cheque, that any delay would cause a sleepless night.

The average Australian doesn’t have enough savings for a $1,000 emergency.

A 2019 survey by Budget Direct Insurance found that:

45 percent of participants couldn’t afford to cover a $1000 emergency.

Excuse my French, but that’s f*cked.

This is also before rising interest rates, inflation, and the rental crisis over the last few years. I don’t even want to think how bad things have gotten since then.

Build multiple sources of income, or die trying.

Freedom is closer than you think.

Every action you take is building more or less freedom in your life.

It’s that extreme. Whenever I spend I ask myself:

Will this build more or less freedom in my life?

Spend money to optimize for freedom, not accumulating liabilities.

Michael's Weekly Book Club đź“š

My Book of the Week was...

Dotcom Secrets: The Underground Playbook For Growing Your Company Online With Sales Funnels - Russell Brunson

This is book #7 of the year.

This is my second time reading this book.

I read this 12 months ago, and honestly, I was too beginner to understand what to do with this information. But now that I've had a full year of trial and error, many of the concepts are resonating with me.

Every profitable online business has a sales funnel.

The question is how effective your sales funnel is. This book breaks down all the insights and knowledge you'll need to create your own sales funnel. Just like everything else in this world, building a sales funnel is a skill you can learn.

This is a must-read for anyone building a business online.

Rating: 9/10

You should read this if you're.... online entrepreneur, digital marketer, or side hustler

Key ideas:

👉 Learning 1: People copy what they can see - But real money is made from the sales process you can't see. You can copy someone's content, but it won't work for you if you don't have the same sales backend. Focus on building your value ladder, which is the journey a customer would take with you from downloading your free products to purchasing your high-ticket products.


👉 Learning 2: Steal what works for others - Don't plagiarize. But copy the structure, format, and template of other people's funnels that convert. Everyone does it. Add in your own experience, story, and authenticity and it will feel brand new.


👉 Learning 3: Structure is 80% of the battle - Framing and positioning are everything. A great product with poor framing and positioning will do worse than a mediocre product with great framing and positioning.


👉 Learning 4: Marry your problem and your customers - Solve your dream problems for your dream customers. There are infinite problems to solve for an infinite amount of people. But don't try to be everything to everyone. Be something to someone.

Best quotes by Russell Brunson

đź’¬ "What I've found now is that if I don't email my list every day, I lose money every day. I strongly recommend emailing every day, and if you do it with the Seinfeld style I'm going to show you, readers won't get annoyed because they will be so entertained."


đź’¬ "If they're blaming other people or outside circumstances for their failures, you don't want them as a client. You want people who will take responsibility for their actions"


đź’¬ "If executed correctly, funnel stacking will give you a business that will allow you to outspend your competitors, provide more value to your clients than ever before, and predictably scale your company."

How to apply these ideas:

đź’ˇ If you can learn how to sell online, you'll never go broke - While the product or service might change, the principles of sales and marketing never will. Why? Because human nature and psychology don't change that much over time. The technology, delivery method, and context might change, but the process remains.


đź’ˇ You have a $1,000 product trapped inside your head (or Google Drive) - You've had experiences, achievements, or knowledge that other people will pay to learn from you. You don't see this knowledge as useful. But it is. What comes easy to you, does not come easy to others. It's not up to you to decide what value your knowledge is.


đź’ˇ Your first attempt will probably fail - And that's good. Failures are only data points for what needs to change. Iterate on your first attempt and try again. No sales funnel, product, or personal brand is built overnight. They all require relentless incrementalism. The 1% improvements compounded every day.


You can buy the book ​HERE​ (No, this isn't an affiliate link...yet).

Writing Tip Of The Week:

If you struggle to write every day, do this:

  • Write about your 9-5 job.
  • Write about your 5-9 hobbies.
  • Write about what frustrates you.
  • Write about what makes you curious.

Use anything in your life as fuel to write.

Document, don't create.

I'll see you next week!

Michael ✌️

P.S - You can also find me here:

113 Cherry St, Seattle, WA 92768
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Michael Lim

I help 9-5 workers start a profitable one-person (online) business in 30 days without quitting their jobs, so they can have more freedom, money and impact.

🏆 x 4 Award-Winning Social Entrepreneur. Sold my first one-person business at 28.

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